Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Saga...

I finished book 4 last night.

I'm devastated that it's over.

Stephanie Meyer is a goddess. Her brain is amazing, and I'm so glad she decided to have her crazy dream and write it all down for me to read. I will continue my following of her.

I've also watched the movie (did so last Friday night - on MY new copy of the 3 disk special addition! HA! Eat that Marlo, Amber and Rob!). I wasn't ready for it to end. My favorite part was the baseball game. Gosh. I fell in love with Jasper. Which is strange, because I have TEAM EDWARD paraphernalia pinned all over my office space at work!

There were a few complaints against the movie fluttering around in my basic little mind, that aren't really worth sharing. I will mention that I thought it was a bit cheesy that you could SEE Edward's breath when they were in the woods. Come on. He's a VAMPIRE...the interior of his body can't produce enough heat to make his breath present in the cold air. Also, Emmett and Rosalie were chewing food at the lunch table in one of the shots, too. Oh well. It can't be perfect, I guess.

Book One - Twilight: I enjoyed this book very much. I was aggravated that Jacob Black had any purpose in being brought to life. I liked Rosalie; crazy about Alice & Carlisle; Jasper, Emmett & Esme seemed necessary, but I didn't crave their presence as much as I did Edward. Oh, Edward. ..............yeah.

Book Two - New Moon: This one was slow, but I didn't hate it as much as everyone told me I would. I was more annoyed at Jacob Black's presence, and Bella's attachment to him. It made me want to choke her. I was so mad at Edward for leaving. If I wasn't such a late Twilight Saga bloomer, I would've cried. But, I knew ultimately how this series ended, so I didn't hold much of a grudge against him. He did what he thought was best. Bella maintains her ability to aggravate me.

Book Three - Eclipse: This one was probably my favorite of the 4. I'm running out of time, so I won't comment much on it. I will say that I was absolutely furious with Bella, yet again. I mean, come on. KISSING JACOB BLACK, are you SERIOUS?

Book Four - Breaking Dawn: This one bored me. I loved Jacob's chapter titles; made me crack up! It totally needed a different spin, and, as usual, I was sick of hearing Bella's side. I'm glad Jacob finally has his place, but IMPRINTING on a half vampire/half human child. Really? I didn't care for the imprinting thing to begin with, though, so maybe some of you will disagree with me. I was so sad when Alice left.

I'll be back....I'm out of internet time again. Crap!


The Perry Family said...

glad you finally read them. i was very disappointed in the movie. i have watched it three times (twice on bootleg dvd and one on directv in hd) the book was just WAY better and i don't see how anyone who hasn't read the book could possible even see what was going on b/c there was so much left out. maybe with the bigger budget for new moon, they will do better. the second book was boring at first and great in the end. the third book is a blur to me and the fourth book just sucked to me for the most part b/c i don't like jacob and didn't have a care in the world about what he thought, so i skipped over a lot of that stuff. but, i'm so glad that bella and edward got married, had a kid and bella is a vampire!! if only edward was real...hmmmm...hahaha (even lauren is smitten with him!)

Razorback_Mommy said...

I too, was a late addition to the Twilight fan club, but I still managed to enjoy them. New Moon bored the crap out of me in the beginning, but I powered through. Jacob and Bella both annoyed me, but I have to say when I read that he finally imprinted, and WHO he imprinted with I laughed out loud!

The movie left ALOT to be desired, and I too, wondered how people who hadn't read the book could possibly follow along. But, I made the hubby watch it, and although he didn't LOVE it, I don't think he was horrified either. I did catch alot of flack for the sparkling, but he does love to harrass me. The people cast in the movie did NOT live up to the characters in my head, especially Rosalie, Carlisle, and Edward.

I'm anxious for the next movie, especially the part in Italy. Also, I REALLY want a shirt that says "real men sparkle"!

Debbi said...

I'm with you on the fourth one, it was a dissapointment to me for so many reasons. I did like the whole series though, I just wish it could have ended in a better fashion, not so la-te-da, boring way... I even like Jacob and was fine with her ending up with Edward, I just wanted more action. I love your point about the breath in the movie. The movie cracks me up, it seems really cheesey.

Mom of these kids said...

I am the oddball....I actually liked Jacob, and wanted her to end up with him!!Eeek! I think it was b/c the first time I read them, I got confused, and read the 3rd book I was impartial to either guy going into it. I am now rereading all of them in the right order, and I am now rooting for Edward, but Bella is kinda getting on my nerves whining about having to get married.

I noticed the same thing in the movie about Edward's breath!

My mom actually liked the movie, and hadn't read the books....I was thinking the same thing as Heather, you would have to read the books to ever like the movie at all, so I was really surprised that my mom liked the movie. I told her she needs to read the books.

Gosh, I kept checking on here for a post, and now I have limited internet access, so haven't been looking at blogs much, and I come over here and I am really behind!