Tuesday, February 10, 2009

25 Random Things

I've been tagged by several friends on Facebook to list 25 Random Things about myself. I plan to post this on Facebook at some point, but it's easier to type it here and then copy it later! I love these things!!!!

1. I’ve never painted a wall white, off white, egg shell, whisper, cloud or anything similar. I never plan to.

2. I’m addicted to Wint-O-Green mints by Life Savers; I could eat them all day long…and sometimes do! My husband hates this habit of mine.

3. I love Dark/Hot Pink, Red and Black: clothes, nail polish, purses, random items in my house, you name it.

4. I love to pack a suitcase. I have a huge hot pink one that I love!

5. I hated being pregnant and am totally content with my little boy being an only child.

6. Braiden has taught me more than I will ever be able to teach him. But I’m going to try to outdo him.

7. Brian & I named him Braiden by merging the letters of our first names together. We went for something different – and then noticed later how many little boys were named Braiden/Braden/Braydon!

8. Yes, I know what I did with all my time before I had a baby: I watched TV – full episodes each week with the sound at a reasonable decibel; I snuggled with Brian on the couch; I went shopping and tried on clothes; I bought makeup from Dillards; I bought shoes for no reason at all; I slathered on lotion when I got out of my 20-minute-long shower; I shaved my legs more than once a week (or more); I bought candles and burned them in every room; …and I would stare at people in restaurants with screaming kids and swear that mine would never do that…um, yeah right.

9. I love to plan parties. I love the invitations, the decorations, the food and all the list making that goes along with it!

10. I struggle immensely with my religion. That’s not something I’m proud of, but something I’m very aware of, and I am continually making my way to a better place. Posers impel doubts at an alarming rate - 1 day on / 6 days off is not something I can support. I believe in God…I just can’t wrap my mind entirely around man’s interpretation of “correct”.

11. I want every closet and cabinet and pantry in my house to look just like the ones in the elfa catalog from The Container Store. Bed Bath & Beyond and The Container Store are two of my favorite stores on Earth!

12. I’m addicted to Clorox Wipes. I have to buy them at Sam’s.

13. There aren’t many things better than a good, strong Sonic Coke!

14. I’ve never, ever had a beer. Ever.

15. I never was one of the lucky ones to own a Swatch Watch, but I used to beg for one relentlessly. I now own 2 Timebandits and I think I’m uber cool!!!

16. I would’ve loved to have been an elementary school teacher.

17. Although there are a lot of people I’ve enjoyed reconnecting with, and many friends that I truly miss, I didn’t like high school all that much, and if our families didn’t live in Warren, I’d probably never go back.

18. I could move every 2-3 years and be very happy.

19. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I do, however, know that it’s not a career in real estate or banking.

20. I don’t like Country Music…my husband is in a band; the band’s name is Sweet Southern…can you guess what they play? Yep.

21. I’m allergic to mosquitoes, and I live in Arkansas.

22. I took my Driver’s Test when I was 5 months away from turning 17. My dad bought me a car because he thought it would encourage me. Turns out, I’m very persuadable.

23. I love the beach. I plan to live there one day, even if only once a year, a week at a time.

24. I find solace in bubble wrap.

25. I wish someday to write a novel. A runaway success that will put a genuine smile on a stranger’s face.


Rosjuane said...

I'm with you on alot of this. I too struggle with the religion thing even though it surprised me to hear it from you. I didn't like being pregnant either. I wouldn't trade either of my kids for anything but I could have done with out the pregnancy and would have stopped with one if Brad hadn't wanted one of his on. I miss my Sonic coke like it's nobody's buisness. They don't have coke zero!! LOL

Sarah said...

Fun list! I too, hate being pregnant and reminded again every day of the things I hate about it! :) I also LOVE to plan parties, there isn't anything more fun than that! :)

Laken said...

You are so funny. We are so alike on so many different things. Except... I've had a beer. Not proud. And I LOVE country music. Go on with ya bad self, Brian! Haha! We plan to have you all over soon.... so you can lather in my red and black living room!! Haha! :)

Tara said...

Great list! You always amaze me!

Mom of these kids said...

Been missing you girl...your posts, and your comments...how is it going???