Dear Braiden ~
You're two years old now. You're my most favorite two year old on this planet; and to be clear about things, when you turn three next year, there will not be another three year old on Earth that can hold a candle by you.
You love Elmo - in fact, your party this Saturday will be full to the brim of Elmo plates, napkins and balloons. You have the ability to spot an airplane long before I can and recognize them just by the sound they pipe down from the sky. You still suck your middle two fingers when you're tired, or nervous, or sucked the same two fingers the day you entered this world. Your favorite colors are yellow and green (at least those are the ones you try to associate with every physical object in our house). You can't say your "r's" very well yet, but your voice is the sweetest sound that has ever landed on my ears. Your favorite movie right now is Kung Fu Panda...we watched it 4 times yesterday. You love to ride in Daddy's "cruck" and you are absolutely crazy about taking a bath. "Momma, hode ju" is your favorite phrase right now, and you love cheese pizza, cheese balls, cheese slices and cheese quesadillas. You can dance like nobody's business and are already showing your mom & dad's love of music.
You were born on a cold, rainy evening in January during an episode of Wheel of Fortune. (I had a very unique obstetrician) From the moment I met you, I knew you belonged to me. And, not just from the obvious reasons (ie. you were the little wiggling bundle the nurse handed to me...and you happen to look just like me). I knew because you had a power over me like nothing I had ever experienced. Nothing could have prepared me for the flood of emotions and certainties that would overwhelm my heart, soul and mind that chilly, winter's day.
Oh, I was prepared to love you. I knew that I would dress you like you were auditioning for a babyGap commercial. I also knew I would take care of you, get you out of bed each morning and prepare you for the day ahead. I knew all these things.
What I didn't realize was how, as the months ticked by, you would use that amazing power of yours to take care of me. You, my sweet smelling, delicious, beautiful ball of energy would be the reason I would get out of my bed, morning after morning.
When you were 5 days away from turning one year old, my outside world crashed down around me. As time passed, it grew increasingly difficult to make sense out of my own existence. I began to discount my beliefs and sent faith out the window. It was as if I wasn't needed for the things I knew how to do.
Shining through, on my darkest of days, was this smiling, laughing face saying "ball" and calling me "Momma". You were learning and walking and letting me watch you sleep. You were so at peace just knowing I was around...and if you ever felt I wasn't near you, you would start your search. You needed me. You needed me for the things I knew how to do. You looked up to me for assurance, for protection and for help getting of out your bed.
And, believe it or not, all the while, you were helping me get out of mine.
I love you more than I could ever write on this page. You're my inspiration, Braiden Quinby. Happy 2nd Birthday.

i loves these posts that you do for braiden. i so hope you are going to publish your blog into a book. (i want to, but just waiting on that bloggled site to get it ready) this is the sweetest thing ever and i loved it. he is so cute and soooo going to kill you if you show his girlfriends the pigtail picture! haha
AWWW how sweet! You are a wonderful mother! Braiden is so blessed to have you!! I hope you are keeping all these wonderful 'letters' to him in a journal...they will be priceless one day for him he just doesn't know it yet :) Love you!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That is so adorably sweet! What a wonderful reflection! Love you guys! See you Saturday!
Happy Birthday again to dear Braiden! I hope Saturday goes well and the party is so much fun, I can't wait to see pictures of him with his Elmo glory! You are an amazing mama!
Happy Birthday Braiden! What a sweet post, Dena! I also hope the party this weekend goes well in all it's Elmo glory and that you survive the festivities :) He is such a beautiful baby!!!
Happy 2nd Birthday Braiden!! I hope your birthday was really fun! I can't wait to see you!
Dena, this is such a great post. It is such a great story & so meaningful. This could have easily been in a newspaper or magazine.
Happy Birthday to Braiden!
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