Ok, Heather...I'm horning in on your turf -

What's up with canceling all the shows that I can watch? (you know...those shows that are beemed to the homes with rabbit ears stretched to the limit attempting to suck in as much signal as possible) Dirty Sexy Money is being CANCELED?! What? I just read this on Yahoo! E News and am ready to cry. CRY, I tell you. That is my absolute favorite show. Love it. Crave it. It's fabulous. If it ran the same time as Grey's Anatomy, I'd watch Dirty Sexy without blinking. And, Grey's is second ONLY to Dirty Sexy. I even like to type the name: Dirty Sexy Money. How can they cancel this show?!?
On a happier note - Hillary has accepted the job as Secretary of State!! Whoo-hoooo!!!!! Do any of you know how incredibly pumped I am?!
And, I can also breathe air in AND out of my left nostril now without opening my mouth! I'm very happy about this. The right nostril is still under the influence of 12-hour nose spray...but we're hopeful about it's recovery.
Happy Friday!
CRAP that is one of my favorites too. Glad you are better.
You are a NUT!! I am glad you are better though!! Have a great weekend :)
WHAT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I LOVE THIS SHOW AND HAVE NOT HEARD THAT ONE. OH MY GOSH!!!! WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? I'M SO WRITING TO ABC...When are they cancelling it?
Shut up. Please tell me you are lying. I am so MAD! Dirty Sexy is my favorite show... over Grey's and all. I'm bummed now. :(
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