And, I should add - Breathtaking. Emotionally overwhelming. Spectacular. And just freakin' awesome!
On Sunday, we took Braiden to his (and our) first Little Rock Air Force Base Open House/Air Show. To put it lightly, we were amazed. Absolutely awestruck. To think that human beings have the skill, the timing, the bravery, the sheer ability to control those massive machines is nothing short of miraculous. I cried. Brian chattered like a 6 year old standing at the gates to Disney World. And, my sweet little Braiden was so excited to see AEH-PANES up close and personal.
They were huge. HUGE. And they FLY. They are seemingly weightless objects soaring thru the air above us, piercing the clouds like razor sharp swords. There simply aren't words to describe how I felt yesterday. We missed Church service to see this, but I can honestly tell you I had a deep, real, spiritual experience standing out on that flight line. Those men and women use their minds and their bodies to do things I could never imagine being able to accomplish.
The most amazing thing I'd ever witnessed was a NASCAR race at Texas Motor Speedway 8 years ago (don't confuse that statement - I'm not at all a race fan, I just enjoy live events and my daddy scored tickets!). It was the most amazing thing. Until yesterday. You can't appreciate it until you see it. Until you hear it. Until you feel the physical pounding of your chest from the roar of the planes.
Brian has emailed me a couple of links already with upcoming shows a few states away. We can't wait to see it again. I encourage you, if you haven't seen an air show in your area, try to attend the one nearest you. Do research. Ask an airman about their job and duties and training. It will amaze you.
All of the pictures were taken with Brian's Blackberry. We weren't sure if we could take a camera onto the Air Base - we'll know better next time!

so neat!!! i knew they were having it this weekend, but we weren't able to get up there. i will have to make a point to go next year!! the pics were really good!! :)
I wish we would have gone now. So glad that you all enjoyed yourselves.
Garret would love that you will have to let us know when the next is.
I totally agree with you it is an awesome experience. Chris and I went to one at the LRAFB before we moved from Conway. I love the pic of you with Braiden asleep. Gotta love the peacefulness of kids!!! Great pics too.
I love air shows! My grandpa was a pilot in WW2 and has instilled in all of us a love for all pilots and airplanes :) He always takes us to any air shows that are relatively close, you are right, they are amazing! We love going to Fleet Week out here. I'm glad you guys had such a great outing! :)
His camera took good pictures!! I know Clay would have like to have taken Noah to that...I would have loved it too... It looks awesome!
love the pictures that rosjuane took!!! so pretty!!
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