At least that's what my 23 month old says now. I'm attaching our 2008 picture with Santa taken at the mall yesterday.
The wait was 1 hour long - give or take 7 minutes. The line consisted of at least 20 crying, screaming kids (old enough to know better). The most shocking session I witnessed was an entire Hispanic family taking their Christmas Portrait together on Santa's lap. And playing the part of Santa himself, was one very sweet little old man who possessed the patience of Job.
We were doing fine standing in the long, seemingly endless line. Braiden wasn't complaining as much as I had anticipated. Once Brian caught up with us (about 45 minutes later), Braiden was happily showing us his teeth and seemed somewhat excited about giving Santa a high five. Then, as if the winds shifted, a family of 5 children in front of us was making their way to Santa's bright red seat. The youngest of the 5 (maybe she was 8) started to scream. And, not just any scream. It was a noise that made the hair stand up on the necks of the 28 patiently awaiting mothers in that winding line on the second floor of the Park Plaza Mall. The little girl, who was wearing Christmas ribbon in her hair and black patent leather tap shoes (yes, tap shoes) screamed, cried and KICKED Saint Nick right in the shin.
That was it for our little guy. We no longer were showing our teeth. We no longer wanted to give Santa five. We began climbing up momma's body and crying a very nervous and upset little cry. I dumped him into Santa's lap. And, then this happened:

Merry Christmas to all...
Oh, no! Poor Braiden! Poor Dena! I will share my Santa experience on my blog.. check back in a bit!
Bless his heart (and yours too)! A Christmas to remember though!! You will be surprised what a difference a year makes when it comes to Santa's lap :) Merry Christmas to you and family!!
AWWWWWW!!!! so cute and sad at the same time, but least you can show this to his girlfriend one day and watch him roll his eyes! haha ;)
Dang that kid in front of ya'll!!
That is too funny...that is why we have not had our picture taken with him cause I know Drake will do the same thing!!! We rode with Santa in the Christmas Parade and Drake was nice enough to share his gum with Santa!!! LOL But he so did not want him touching him!
Merry Christmas!!! Hope yall have a great one!
Do you watch Ellen...she's been showing these pictures of kids with Santa...that is the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture! Bless his little heart! I'm with Ro...dang that kid in front of ya!
I love the picture! I think the screaming on Santa's lap picture is like a right of passage for that age! :) He looks absolutely adorable and I think it will be such a great memory for later... maybe not at the time though! That is crazy the line was so long!! Hope you guys had a great Christmas!
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