Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Do they know it's 100 degrees in Arkansas?!

We're leaving for vacay in about 2 1/2 days, but I wanted to take the time to share a cool little tid-bit with you regarding Extreme Makeover Home Edition -

They're coming to Little Rock!!!
(regardless of how freakin hot it is here!)

You can find out more info on our Church's website or you can click HERE to go directly to the builder's website. The pep rally was at our Church yesterday morning. This is GREAT! I'm seriously considering volunteering...if anyone else is near here and would like to sweat with me, please comment or email me. The house should be finished in a couple of weeks.
We will be back in a few days...I'll have tons of pictures to post!! :o) Have a great weekend!!


The Perry Family said...

that's so neat!! you will definately have to post pictures if you help!

Mom of these kids said...

You will have a great time on your trip!! ENJOY!!!

YES YES I want to help. I saw that on the news the other night and was trying to find on katv website how I could help...DUH didn't think about looking at Rock Creek!

When Noah saw the news segment, he said he wanted to help too! I wish he could, that is his favorite show!! I think Clay may want to also if we can work it out.

What day/shift do you want to do??

The Perry Family said...

thanks girl! I could not quit laughing at him (ringo). I figured when I went to get the camera, he would have run off, but he didn't. So funny!

Dena said...

Maury -

Whatever is good for you....I'd like to do it with you, if you don't mind!!! I'd like to know someone!! And, we'll be gone for a week starting tomorrow, so I'm not real sure what to do! It will probably be started by the time we get back. We need to get together and decide when is good for us and get signed up!! I'm excited now!!!!! :o) Thanks Maury!!!!!