One Sleepy Little Boy...
We're back. No tan was cloudy and raining. The trip was a quick one. We drove down to New Edinburg (where my parents live) and stayed Friday night (8/8). We awoke early (although not bright & early) Saturday morning after sleeping in leather recliners. My parents are remodeling and my old bedroom is slam full of crap. Brian & I both probably got about 3 hours of sleep total that night. We were back at my parent's house to drop off souvenirs on Wednesday evening (8/13).
Entering Mobile, AL.
We drove down to Orange Beach Saturday - in somewhat of a caravan with Brian's parents and his brother & family. There were 9 of us total. 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo overlooking one of my favorite spots on this least so far. We stayed in Brett-Robinson's Phoenix VI this year. The link to their rental site is on the right side of my blog. I would link it here, but I'm pooped. And, now that I've typed why I didn't link it from here, I had plenty of time to actually accomplish that task...evidently, I'd rather write about not doing it.
In the living room...
We ate at The Crab Trap and at Bubba's Seafood House. Two really good places, in my opinion. Though, The Crab Trap was much better than Bubba's...
Most of our time was spent swimming in the pool at our condo. No beach time...which really stunk. We had high hopes of taking pictures of the littlest Chancellor and his momma & daddy in the sand. At least he loved the pool!!!!! Though it didn't take much to wear him down. Turns out, floating on a big red crab and laughing endlessly wears a little boy down.
We went to the outlet mall in Foley, AL twice - once to look for Crocs for Britt - the other to waste time away while it rained on the beach. Everyone else had the same idea we had. Crowded, hot, Old Navy flip flops that were killing my feet, a fussy little boy that wanted to ride the $0.75, 30 second Bob the Builder ride just one more time. The pictures of Bob, Braiden and the ride were taken with Brian's cell phone...

We weren't ready to come back to Arkansas. In fact, we are going to Fayetteville this weekend to see my best friend, Dana and Brian's cousin, Tyson, because we just aren't finished being away.
A curious little person peering over the balcony in the lobby...
More in the pool...
Our trips to Warren are going to slim down considerably in the next couple of months...because, well (1) gas is high, (2) we're going to be down there quite a bit in November & December, (3) no one comes to see us - we're expected to go see them. The latter of the three excuses always frustrates me. We thought that maybe it was because we lived in an apartment the first few years we were married. Then we thought, well, maybe it's because it's just us and there's not a baby to play with. We bought a house last August. We had a baby 7 months before that. Nothing changed. So, I'll just sit and complain on my blog about how unimportant we feel and how nothing ever seems to be equal. All the while, I have a spark in the back of my mind that makes me very aware of all the friends I've made thru blogging and how they are miles and miles, and states away from their families and those they love. So, instead of erasing my bad attitude in the sentences above, I'll just leave it for everyone to see and will make an effort to be better. Although, I can't make any promises...I'm also having to work on my restaurant attitude. One can only do so much.
1. Love the swim suit - does one have a skirt on it? It looks like it in the water, it looks super cute.
2. We have the same blue doggie jammies
3. I hear you on the visit them, no one visits us. We lived in SLC for 4 years, which was 40 minutes away from wade's parents. They hardly ever came to our place. WE always had to drive down to them. In fact, my parents came to our house - all the way from out of state - more then they did. I'm not bitter or anything ;) They said that 40 minutes was too far of a drive?!?!hahah
4. Have fun this weekend on your next trip!
1. Love the swim suit - does one have a skirt on it? It looks like it in the water, it looks super cute.
2. We have the same blue doggie jammies
3. I hear you on the visit them, no one visits us. We lived in SLC for 4 years, which was 40 minutes away from wade's parents. They hardly ever came to our place. WE always had to drive down to them. In fact, my parents came to our house - all the way from out of state - more then they did. I'm not bitter or anything ;) They said that 40 minutes was too far of a drive?!?!hahah
4. Have fun this weekend on your next trip!
I am so glad you guys had a good trip. I love all the pictures. And you are looking so good! I am proud of you and all your hard work. I am still sad that we are on the wrong end of the state :( We are so looking forward to seeing you guys in a just a few weeks!!! Can't wait!! And you are so brave going on vacation with extended family!! I am selfish on vacation and want just us and the boys. Anyways, if you figure out the visiting let me know. We don't get visits either. Only one this year!! We have backed off of our visits too got tired of it only going one way. You guys have fun this weekend on your trip.
Love the pics!! Looks/sounds like you guys had lots of fun! Have fun this weekend!
That Little Braiden is the cutest thing! I just love him. I have already picked him out to be Oakley's boyfriend. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I feel ya on the trips to Warren.... it is RARE that we have guests... The vacay looked fun, but too bad it rained!
That would be a great place (ie..shhh) I love it there. Especially going to Rogers to the Promenade Mall! haha Anyway, I also know about the whole visit thing. We always have to go wherever and call whoever, except for my mom. In this family if you don't call someone at least once every other week, they get mad at you and I don't understand b/c it works both ways!
I whine all the time that we have to spend all of our vacation time and money going to visit our families for different family obligations and of course the need for them to see their grandchildren ;) I've discovered that if I want to have them visit I have to specifically invite them, like hosting Thanksgiving, or telling them to come on a long weekend. I always have to make them come when they do though! ;) C'est la vie, I guess. Also, you are looking so good, girl! And thanks for the Pinkalicious link, that is one of Anna's most favorite books, surprise, surprise :)
Braiden is too cute Drake would have never made it riding that long. Looks like you all had lots of fun though!!! And BTW I understand the whole no one comes to visit thing, we stay at home too.
Oh, nobody comes to visit us either. We keep living in Arkansas to stay close to family, but Clay says, what difference does it make, nobody comes to see us anyway!
So you drove all that way and didn't spend time on the beach?? How come? I was hoping to see some of Braiden in the sand too!!
That lobster ring is too cute! You are looking great Dena! And I want to hear about your restaurant attitude!!
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